HALUS AYURVEDIC https://www.halusayurvedic.store Heaven on Skin Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:09:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.halusayurvedic.store/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-logo-site-identity-1-32x32.jpg HALUS AYURVEDIC https://www.halusayurvedic.store 32 32 218681199 Eco-Conscious Skincare Packaging https://www.halusayurvedic.store/eco-concious-skincare-packaging/ https://www.halusayurvedic.store/eco-concious-skincare-packaging/#respond Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:34:52 +0000 https://www.halusayurvedic.store/?p=6626

Halus’ Efforts to Reduce Carbon Footprints

In the early days of creating Halus, we envisioned the brand to be eco-conscious. It is not easy for a self- funded-boot-strapped company to achieve the goal to be 100% eco-friendly.

Despite being new to the scene, we are committed to do our part in reducing carbon footprint .

Our commitments and efforts to be environmental-friendly are:

  • Use 100% pure botanical and herbal ingredients sourced from organic and small farm.
  • Small-batch production to reduce waste. Handmade by talented artisanal crafters from India, Indonesia and Singapore (eg. Copper Tongue Scraper and Ayurveda Tools, Herbal Oil Crafting).
  • Majority of our products are packaged in glass containers with the potential and possibilities to allow us to upcycle.
  • PET bottle is also used because it can be easily recycled.
  • Plantable seed paper for ‘Thank You’ cards.
  • We opted for biodegradable plastic bags as our shopping bag and encouraged customers to BYOB.

While we’re currently unable to offer a formal recycling and refill program for our customers due to our size, we’re dedicated to finding innovative solutions. Instead, we’re excited to share creative ideas on how to repurpose and upcycle our skincare bottles.

Reuse-Recycle-Upcycle Ideas

Step 1: Remove sticker labels, dismantle and remove all parts (roller ball cap, cap, tube etc.). Thoroughly wash and scrub bottles and parts clean with pure castile soap. Place them in boiling water to sterilize further. Wipe clean and allow it to dry completely until no residue or droplets of moisture can be spotted. This is to avoid bacteria from building up.

10g Roller Glass Bottle – Make your own Fresh Floral Perfume Oil

Pour and fill up the bottle with Jojoba Oil to ¾. Add organic essential oils: 2 drops of Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Lavender. If there is still space to pour some jojoba oil, do add more. Secure it with the roller cap, press tight. Test the bottle for leak by turning it upside down.


30g Pump Bottle – Travel Sized Toiletries

Use for travel by decanting each product (shampoo, body wash) into the empty 30g Pump Bottle. 30g is normally the permitted hand-carry items on the plane. Be sure to check the rules and regulations first each time you pack for your travels.


30g Glass Dropper Bottle – Hair & Eyebrows Growth Serum Oil

20g cold-pressed olive oil, 10g cold-pressed castor oil and 5 drops organic rosemary essential oil. Pour everything into bottle, close the lid tight and shake the bottle.

  • Apply oil on scalp and massage it gently daily to promote hair growth.
  • Use it as hair serum by applying some oil on hair ends.
  • Apply 1 drop on each eyebrow twice daily to boost thickness.


50g PET Spray Bottle – DIY Zero Alcohol Hand Sanitizer

  • 40g Witch Hazel Extract
  • 10g Distilled Water
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • 3 drops organic eucalyptus essential oil
  • 3 drops organic tea tree essential oil
  • 3 drops organic lemon essential oil.  Pour everything into bottle, close the lid tight and shake the bottle.

Spray on hands or surface to clean and disinfect. Alternatively, you can transform this PET bottle to be a new home for your micro-plants and herbs.


GLASS Bottles are they eco-friendly?

The truth is, making glass requires a hefty amount of sand, which isn’t environmentally friendly. When we extract sand faster than the Earth can naturally replenish it, it poses a problem. Producing and transporting glass also demands a lot of energy and resources, plus extra packaging like bubble wrap due to its weight.

However, glass bottles are preferred over plastics because we can wash and reuse glass bottles countless times until they break. When they break, they do not release harmful chemicals like plastic. Therefore, this is considered gentler and kinder to human beings, plants and animals. It is important to note that glass is not biodegradable.

Glass vs. Plastic as skincare packaging? Why Halus chose Glass?

It is a huge dilemma for us upon discovering that glass, while reusable, isn’t biodegradable. When the broken glasses are trapped at the bottom of the ocean, they can harm the marine life and the environment.
We’ve opted for glass over plastic due to its significant health benefits. Glass carries low to zero harmful chemicals. Plastic on the other hand is known to disrupt our endocrine system. Prolonged exposure to plastic can lead to hormonal imbalances and other serious health concerns. We encourage you to read more on “endocrine disruptors”.
  • Plastics have come under fire for containing known endocrine disruptors, most specifically in plastic beverage bottles and containers. Red-flagged endocrine disruptors commonly found in plastics include bisphenol-A (commonly called BPA), phthalates, and flexible vinyl. Specifically, when found in plastic, these endocrine disruptors can leach out of the plastic bottle or container. If you’ve ever heard the advice not to drink out of a plastic water bottle that’s been sitting in a hot car or microwave your leftovers in a plastic container, this is why.”

The ideal skincare packaging : PCR (Post-consumer recycled plastic), aluminum.

At the moment, Halus doesn’t have the financial means to invest in the most optimal eco-friendly packaging. However, we prioritize glass due to its minimal chemical content, ensuring the safety of our endocrine system. Unlike single-use items, glass maintains its purity and quality over time, allowing for multiple reuses and easy recycling.

Let’s talk about PET Plastic Bottle!

We have learned that to be fully environmentally friendly for our packaging can be quite challenging at this stage of our business. We then explored PET Plastic Bottle for our Ebo Mist.

PET, short for Polyethylene terephthalate, is a thermoplastic polymer resin made from ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. The material is transparent, versatile, strong, and durable. Thanks to its thermoplastic nature, it can be melted and reshaped many times, benefiting the recycling process. The plastic tolerates different acids, oils, and facts; thus, it’s ideal for options for food and beverage containers. They are not biodegradable, but can be recycled easily and fracture-proof. It is light in weight and making it cost less to transport.

Though PET is not considered eco-friendly plastic, recycling is the only way to reduce the production of new PET products. The material is 100% recyclable and also the most commonly and widely recycled plastic in the world. 

For example, the after-use bottles are categorized and transformed into different end-products, such as food containers, drinking bottles, car components, carpeting, and fiber. The transforming process includes sorting, melting, and forming into beads or pellets for reusing. This way, PET can be recycled multiple times.   

Our decision to choose the brand’s packaging materials are based on three matters:

  1. Material impact on health and well-being.
  2. Bottles which contain low harmful chemicals.
  3. Not a “single-use” item and can be recycled and upcycled many times

Amidst the ongoing debate over glass versus plastic, let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture: our commitment to living eco-consciously. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of environmental issues, but even the smallest actions, when done consistently, can spark meaningful change over time.

Share your journey with us on Instagram @halusayurvedic, as we inspire and empower each other to make a difference. Every action counts in our collective journey toward a greener, more sustainable future.


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Ayurvedic Reflexology https://www.halusayurvedic.store/ayurvedic-reflexology/ https://www.halusayurvedic.store/ayurvedic-reflexology/#respond Tue, 19 Sep 2023 23:50:57 +0000 https://www.halusayurvedic.store/?p=3227 Everyone loves a good and pampering massage, right? Across all cultures all over the world, massage is a love language that encourages connection, rejuvenation and relaxation. In Ayurveda, the application of oil on skin is known as ‘Snehana’. In Sanskrit, ‘Sneha’ means ‘love’ and the term ‘Snehana’ means ‘application of love’ or ‘oleation’. Abhyanga, the Sanskrit term for Massage with medicated oil, is one of the main processes that fall under Snehana. This is an ancient practice used by people from all walks of life from new born babies to kings, queens and even seasoned soldiers of war. Everyone deserves to be pampered, okay? We’re all human, after all!

Pada Abhyanga

The act of performing Abhyanga daily or weekly is one of the most simple and profound methods of self-care in Ayurveda. Instead of a 10-step skin care regiment, perform Abhyanga instead because it is known to encourage lymphatic drainage, improve circulation, tones the muscles, improves stamina and brings elasticity to the skin. The secret lies in the oil because it acts as nourishment for our skin which happens to be our largest external organ.

Remember that whatever you apply on your skin, will get absorbed because your skin is alive and it needs to be cared for. If you have heard of the phrase “You are what you eat”, then here is a new phrase for you: “You absorb what you apply”. Your skin is like a sponge, apply good things and it will absorb good things.

Traditionally, Abhyanga is performed by applying cold pressed, untoasted sesame oil all over the body in the morning before exercise or shower. This can take up to 45 minutes which for some people might be too much of a commitment.

Instead, you can focus on Pada Abhyanga which means Foot Massage. Pada Abhyanga is wonderful and nourishing for everyone. It can be done anytime of the day but it is especially beneficial as a night time routine before bed because it is known to improve sleep quality, health of lungs & eyes, reduce sciatic pain and improve heart health.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that our bodies are like an inverted tree. Our feet are our roots that keep us grounded, our bodies are the trunk for stability and our head & hair hold the leaves and bear the fruit. Our feet connect us to the Earth and carry us through many phases of our lives. Our second heart, known as the Peripheral Heart, is felt in our calves. Our feet are precious and deserved to be cared for to be able to keep us steady, stable to safely navigate this crazy journey called Life. So beautiful, right?

Pada Abhyanga is especially beneficial for expecting mothers because it helps to prevent edema (water retention), maintains healthy circulation for both mother & fetus, supports sound sleep, relieves sciatic pain and relieves tiredness. During pregnancy, it needs to be performed gently on the heel and in the middle of the sole of the foot. It is important to avoid massaging the ankles as it can trigger the uterus to contract and affect the pregnancy. A gentle touch with some warm oil is more than enough. It is important to dab off any excess oil and wear comfortable cotton socks to retain the warmth and circulation created – like a hug for your feet!

Don’t know or where to start on your self-care journey? We have got you covered!

We have specially handcrafted a Soothing Foot Oil and paired it with Kansa Bowl which is an Ayurvedic Reflexology Tool to help you get started on your self-care journey.

Grab Elok Healing Duo and gain all the wonderful benefits of Pada Abhyanga daily.


https://www.halusayurvedic.store/ayurvedic-reflexology/feed/ 0 3227
Copper is the Ayurvedic choice https://www.halusayurvedic.store/in-viverra-faucibus-tellus-sed-cursus-quam-fringilla-sit-amet-5/ https://www.halusayurvedic.store/in-viverra-faucibus-tellus-sed-cursus-quam-fringilla-sit-amet-5/#respond Sun, 18 Jul 2021 19:06:31 +0000 https://www.halusayurvedic.store/in-viverra-faucibus-tellus-sed-cursus-quam-fringilla-sit-amet-5/

The benefits of copper for health

Honestly our ancestors had so many things figured out, its crazy and mind-blowing. It is popularly known in Ayurveda to use clay, copper and Kansa Metal in the kitchen and for beauty rituals. I mean, who knew that these things can have so many benefits for our health! 

Lets talk about Clay for a hot minute. Everyone loves a good clay mask facial, right? the minerals found in clay are known to have toxin absorbing & anti-inflammatory properties. In Ayurveda, when it is combined with herbs like sandalwood powder, neem, turmeric, rose water or milk, it can be transformed into beautiful face masks, clay baths or herbal poultices to promote skin health, remove toxins, and reduce swelling, redness & inflammation.

On top of all that, clay pots are amazing for slow cooking and keeping your water naturally coo! Its porous nature allows both moisture and heat to circulate easily. Consuming water stored in a clay jug will quench your thirst without disturbing your digestion.


Good digestion promotes glowing skin

Speaking of digestion, the ancient Ayurvedic doctors had a really sweet way with words especially for Kansa Metal made from copper and tin. Lovingly called ‘The Hands of Grace’, it is said that cooking with Kansa Metal and eating from it regularly purifies our food, boost intellect and enhance immunity. When they say beauty comes from within, Kansa Metal really stays true to that. 

The most popular and recognized used of Kansa Metal is the Kansa Wand. This beauty tool is frequently used to promote lymphatic drainage, improve circulation, reduce puffiness, and remove toxins by using long, gentle and circular strokes on the face, head and feet. Anyone using or receiving treatment from the Kansa Wand will leave experience supple & glowing skin.

As we talk about glowing skin, Ayurveda emphasizes that having good skin comes from having good digestion. Copper, according to ancient Ayurvedic physicians, is believed to be one of the best materials for cooking as it heats quickly, cooks evenly, reduces the risk of bacterial spreading and helps in balancing Pitta dosha is responsible for maintaining good digestion!

One of the best ways to support good digestion is by drinking copper-infused water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning after scraping your tongue with a copper tongue scraper. All you need to do is store some water in a copper jug overnight! Who knew something so potent for our brain and heart health could be so effortless to prepare? Medical News Today confirms that copper is an essential nutrient for the body because it helps with red blood cell formation, increases iron absorption, boosts collagen production, maintain healthy bones and immunity.                 


Cultivating good oral hygiene practices

As a daily oral hygiene practice, copper tongue scapers remove toxins, eliminate bad breath and improve production of good quality saliva for healthy digestion & good immunity. Tongue scraping can be done anytime of the day and preferably before your meals. Copper is the preferred metal for tongue scrapers because it is a bacteria-resistant metal and will last a long time. Studies have shown that Copper is toxic to bad bacteria and provides important enzymes that are needed for the healthy microbes in the mouth to survive. In another study, the antiseptic benefits of copper were so great that, when copper was put in hospital rooms as furnishings, the bacteria count on all of the surfaces in the rooms was significantly reduced! Therefore, a copper tongue scraper is best tool to have in your bathroom!

Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene Steps:

  1. Scrape your tongue the moment you wake up in the morning. Start from the back and apply gentle pressure while scraping it forward towards the tip of your tongue. Repeat this 3 to 7 times. Rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Brush your teeth gently with a herbal toothpaste.
  3. Use your first finger to massage your gums with some honey or with your herbal toothpaste. Rinse your mouth with water.
  4. Take 2 tablespoons of cold pressed sesame oil or coconut oil and perform oil pulling for 3 to 5 minutes. Remember to spit the oil into the dustbin!
  5. Rinse your mouth with warm water and smile!
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