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Wellness Services:

Healthy Gut Healthy You

Yoga Therapy sequence targeting the Digestive Meridians: Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Bladder, Intestines, Kidneys to help boost and regulate gut health. Lymphatic Drainage + Guts Detox & Boost.

Unblock, refresh, and rejuvenate a stressed mind with the therapeutic Neuro-Somatic Head Tapping Method and Trataka meditation. This proven psychological technique boosts mental health and provides effective relief from anxiety, stress, headaches, and migraines. It also enhances focus and clarity, and supports hormonal health in both men and women.

Yoga therapy combined with Holistic Hormonal Replacement Therapy to boost fertility and support hormonal health. This approach is suitable for women experiencing hormonal imbalances, menstrual issues, undergoing IVF, or managing menopause.

Pain management/ pain relief through the approach of Yoga Therapy and Holistic Ultrasound. Suitable for acute and chronic pain and sports recovery.

Soundbath, Yoga Therapy combined with Neuro-Somatic Head Tapping Technique to reduce anxiety, quieten the busy mind and boost sleep quality.

Yoga therapy and meditation techniques specifically designed to boost and strengthen the immune system. Highly recommended for individuals who easily fall sick or frequently catch colds and the flu.

A combination of Therapeutic Chair Yoga, Pranayama, and Face Yoga to boost respiratory health, effectively managing sinus issues and allergies. No prior yoga experience is required.

A therapeutic gentle approach of Yin Yoga, Meridian Points and Modern Holistic Ayurveda method to target tension, tightness and stiffness from head, neck, shoulders and mid-back. No prior yoga experience required. Suitable for all levels and ages.


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